Experience = Reality - Expectations

I recently was reminded of a formula defining one’s experience as the reality you are faced with less the expectations you have formed about the perceived reality. So many people seem to be down on their life experience. With most market indices hitting record highs, unemployment down, and inflation having a soft landing it would seem reality for many people would be pretty good. Especially if you think historically where things like child mortality and those killed from disease and war are dramatically lower. Reality for most people gets better every year. Actual reality and perceived reality are likely two different things. Reality it seems is defined by those who are incentivized to articulate gloomier versions of reality. If attention is the currency in our digital world, it seems the best way to get it is to scare the crap out of you.

As for expectations, social and mainstream media don’t help. Too many posts focus on people digitally portraying a version of a perfect life. Mainstream media also pushes commercials and news stories about any number of products, medications, or experiences portraying a scenario where if only you had it in your life your life would be complete.

Best to look at reality more objectively and less defined by those fighting for your attention so as to not form unrealistic expectations. If the reality is great, appreciate it and try to fuel more of it. If reality can be improved, do whatever you can to make it better.

Leelau seems to be having a great experience. Her reality is solid and I am assuming dogs cannot form expectations.

Ed Foppe @leelau_lessons